Toys for Tater Tots

This is a call for all new, unwrapped toys!
We are collecting unwrapped toys during the whole month of November together with North Light Community Center, and we really need your help. This holiday season you could help change a child's life forever by putting a smile on their face this Christmas. Everyone wants to do some good for other, so here is your chance. Please bring in your unwrapped toys during this week and really feel the gift of giving. Isn't that what this season is all about anyway? Give back and give toys.

Is putting a smile on a child's face this holiday season not enough incentive to come out and support such an amazing cause? Well then, we will buy you some tots. For every toy you donate, we will buy you an order of our famous tots. 1 toy=1 order of Main Street tots.

Don't have a bunch of new toys hanging out around your house? Visit our friends at Latitudes and Longitudes for some help.

**We can not accept toy guns or weapons**

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